I’m a Computer Science Ph.D. student working with Dr. Siddharth Srivastava in the School of Computing and Augmented Intelligence at Arizona State University. I’m a member of the Autonomous Agents and Intelligent Robots (AAIR) research group. I primarily study Reinforcement Learning (RL) with the goal of building efficient autonomous sequential decision-making systems that solve long-horizon problems. Currently, I am focussed on automatically synthesizing temporal and state abstractions for transfer in RL and interleaving planning with RL.
Ph.D. in Computer Science, 2020 - present
Arizona State University
M.S. in Computer Science, 2018 - 2020
Arizona State University
B.E. in Information Technology, 2013 - 2017
Pune Institute of Computer Technology
Developed a framework for imposing constraints on an AI agent in a world with nosiy observations. poster attached
Evaluated overhand, top-to-random, Knuth, transposition, thorp, and riffle card shuffling techniques. presentation attached
Implemented a visual-feedback based method to guide the Fetch mobile manipulator’s end-effector to reach the target object without using AR-markers. video attached
Performed exploratory data analysis, and compared classification of ATLAS experiment events using advanced machine learning techniques such as XGBoost and neural networks.
Comprehensive implementation of AI methods such as DFS, BFS, UCS, A* search, minimax, expectimax, and alpha-beta pruning to create Pacman in a multi-agent environment using Python.
Built & evaluated denoising capabilities of a denoising autoencoder with different levels of noise. Trained a stacked autoencoder layer-by-layer in an unsupervised fashion, & fine-tuned the network with the classifier.